Services Offered
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Water Reticulation
- Sewer Networks
- Pump Stations
- Treatment Plants
- Geophysical Investigation
- Demand Analysis
- Non Revenue Analysis
- Sewer Treatment Design
- River Water Quality
- Asset Valuation
- Construction Supervision
Rankin has a wealth of in-house capability and experience in the design and supervision of water and sewer systems. Our services range from large rehabilitation projects in major cities, to complete design and construction of new infrastructure for new mixed use developments. Rankin also has experience in the hydrogeological sector, including ground water investigations and supervision of drilling works.
Rankin has been involved in projects to upgrade the water and sewer systems in many of the major towns and cities of Zambia and the surrounding region, including several phases of rehabilitation works in Lusaka. Rankin has also partnered with several international firms in this area, providing technical expertise in design and supervision works. Donor funded projects to institute water supply and sewer network systems in peri-urban areas in the major cities has been an area of significant focus, having successfully completed more than twenty such projects in Zambia. These consultancies are not limited to pure engineering work alone, but include community mobilization and sensitization, as well as stakeholder participation in the decision process.
Rankin also undertakes design and construction supervision of completely new water and sewer reticulation systems in private mixed use developments, as well as in new townships created for large infrastructure projects such as the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro project. Design of water and sewer reticulation systems is carried out using the latest design software packages, coupled with in-house water demand/waste models which have been developed using 30 years of experience in the region. Topographic survey data can be compiled in the field by in-house engineering teams.
Rankin is also involved in geophysical investigations as well as pilot and production borehole drilling supervision. Works have been carried out for large agricultural developments, as well as commercial utility companies. Works have also been carried out for the installation of boreholes with handpumps as a means of improving access to clean water in rural areas of Zambia.